Japan Diary: March 9th

Tuesday March 9th – “Feeling lazy”

Today I once again had breakfast with Keiko. I hadn’t made any plans for what to do this day. Time just seemed to pass faster with Keiko and Hikaru around me.  After lunch, it was time for Hikaru to take a nap and Keiko showed me some photos on her computer. Once in a while Hiro would pass through the living room, maybe I should completely stop noticing his presence, like he seemed to often do with me.  After some time, Hikaru woke up and Keiko decided it was time to go back to her own home. I quickly asked when she planned to visit again and she answered that she would come by tomorrow, then we could go and have lunch together.  I didn’t do much else that day. Ate dinner with, my host father and mother and of course Hiro. The father and mother always seemed to go to bed very early. I was like every evening was repeated. During dinner they would talk casually and watch television, then while eating or after, Hiro and his father would begin to discuss something.

Which would always end up in Hiro saying, “Urusai na” (Noisy), which would make his father respond with “ahou” (idiot/ stupid), then the father would send me a smile or something, either to show that it wasn’t seriously meant or maybe hoping I would agree. The whole thing would then end with Hiro saying “Otousan, hora! Neru jikan dayo” (Dad, look! It’s bedtime) while pointing at the clock, above the TV. And soon after, shortly past 8 pm, the father would get up, telling us all good night and then go to the bedroom. The mother would then sit a little longer and then around one hour later her bedtime had come. Leaving Hiro and me alone in the living room.  Today I had brought my computer with to the living room, Hiro went to get his as well. For some reason we both decided to sit there in the living room, looking at each of our computer, opposite each other at the big dinning table, instead of just sitting by our computers in our own rooms, where the internet was working just as well.

We didn’t talk that much at first, but as the evening progressed, we actually managed to have minor conversations.

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